Taylor & Danica Farr

Taylor has been in remission from cancer for almost 1 year. Just had a check-up and the doc said the cancer looks like it's back. More tests to come, please pray for healing!

Jul-10 / last prayer 20h ago
Janie Durham - update

Janie has been released. She has a very large hiatal hernia that is causing a lot of pain. Please continue to pray that she can get in with a specialist.

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago

Hello NH Family! Could you please be praying for my niece, Asher Lawrence’s friend. His name is G* and he goes to school with her (16 years old). He’s hospitalized and condition is serious.

Jul-23 / last prayer 3h ago

prayer for anxiety, prayer for christian friends

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago

Pray for Rick as he was laid off recently. Please pray for the right connections that will lead to a job quickly. And also provisions in the interim for his family.

Jul-16 / last prayer 2h ago
Craig Regina

Update Craig Regina 38yo w/ stage 5 kidney disease: Craig had a dialysis port put in his chest yesterday and had his 1st dialysis today. Will continue everyday. Hopefully going home Monday. TY

Jul-06 / last prayer 20h ago

My friend, Carmen, is undergoing a brain biopsy at UAMS in Little Rock Thursday AM. Pray for a clear biopsy and the peace of God

Jul-23 / last prayer 3h ago
Michael and Brittany Dover

Friday in Thailand we are hosting an event to share the gospel with around 50 families. Spiritual attacks have started happening amongst our team. Pray for protection and the gospel to be unhindered.

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago
Garret Fink

Garrett starts round 4 of chemo today. His labs are great today! Please join us in praying for this round to go smoothly, complete healing, no lasting side effects and stamina!

Jul-09 / last prayer 20h ago
Ron Fields

Ron is currently in hospital suffering from kidney stones. Please pray he can pass them painlessly and quickly.

Jul-14 / last prayer 2h ago
Sonny Grist

My uncle who is in his 80s and lives independently has been diagnosed with Covid. Please, pray for his speedy recovery.

Jul-14 / last prayer 20h ago
Janie Durham

Please pray for Janie Durham who is in the ER for chest pains. Pray that she would get a room and that they could figure out what’s wrong.

Jul-22 / last prayer 20h ago
Sherri Regan

Sherri’s neck and shoulder pain and mobility are slowly recovering and she found a new place to live. She still needs to find housing for her son with schizophrenia.

Jul-06 / last rejoice 2h ago
Andrew & Elaina

Please pray for my brother and sister-in-law. They’ve been trying to have a baby for years and will have a transfer (IVF) either Friday or Saturday.

Jul-09 / last prayer 20h ago

Please pray for my dad, Vartan. He has not been himself lately, in his 80s. Pray the Lord heals him and gives our family and his doctors the wisdom to find the problem so it doesn’t get much worse.

Jul-25 / last prayer 2h ago
Becky Burke

Pray for my cousin, Becky is anxious about having her leg amputated above the knee on July 19th . She is already in a wheelchair and fearful about the future.

Jul-06 / last prayer 20h ago
Kay McWhorter

Kristin Howell’s mom has been struggling mightily in a surgery recovery. The family may have some challenging decisions to make soon.

Jul-14 / last prayer 20h ago
Garret Fink

Garrett is back in the hospital for fever. His labs are low. He’s getting antibiotics, blood and platelets. We are so grateful for your prayers. They are seeing us through.

Jul-19 / last prayer 3h ago
Michael Brickels

My dad, who had been taken to the hospital bc of signs of stroke, is now being released into nursing care for worsening PSP symptoms. Please, pray for the transition, my mom,Marsha, and his care team.

Jul-13 / last prayer 20h ago

My dad, he had emergency appendectomy for a ruptured appendix yesterday and is having a really rough time today. And for my stepmom, she is so scared and hasn't slept. Thank you so much.

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago
Bobby Smith

Please pray healing for my father, Bobby Smith. He had diabetes and his kidneys are only functioning at 15% efficiency. He is a believer and is crying out to God for total healing.

Jul-09 / last prayer 20h ago
Marty Swain

Thx for for chemical burn on foot(3 wks ago) It started improving about a week ago and is shrinking & is just white & pink, no red! But still deep. Thanks so much!

Jul-08 / last rejoice 20h ago
Beth Moshier

Please pray for my dear friend Beth Moshier who is having open heart surgery Monday, July 8th to repair her mitral valve. She lives in Huntsville, Alabama.

Jul-07 / last prayer 20h ago
Chadd Holmes and Family

Pray for the family of Chadd Holmes as they grieve. His grandfather peacefully passed away today in the presence of family.

Jul-17 / last prayer 3h ago
Michael Brickels

My dad has been admitted to the hospital with a possible stroke. He has a dementia like disease (psp) that makes this more difficult. Please, lift him and my mom in prayer.

Jul-10 / last prayer 20h ago
Niolene Stanley

Please continue to lift my sister in law & all our family in prayer. My niece passed away yesterday after a short illness. May God give peace & comfort beyond our understanding

Jul-11 / last prayer 20h ago

Please pray for our family member Debbie who is having a melanoma removed this Friday, 7/12/24. Asking God for healing and that she won’t need chemo. Thank you!

Jul-09 / last prayer 20h ago
Nick Delaloye

My brother Nick, w end stage Alzheimer’s. Prayer for his wife Dee and her daughter, Kayla, for supernatural strength and patience in caring for him. So hard. So sad. Please pray

Jul-17 / last prayer 20h ago
Dakota Dunn

A distant friend of mine is searching for something and needs to find Christ, I believe he is probably agnostic but he is looking for something. I pray his heart is open to accept Jesus into his life

Jul-14 / last prayer 20h ago
Don Huckeba

Please pray for my uncle Don who was admitted to the Heart Hospital for complications with his heart.

Jul-13 / last prayer 20h ago

I would love to give praise to the Lord for his protection and truth. My daughter and I are supposed to go home together by this weekend. Could you please send blessings and peace for my family

Jul-17 / last rejoice 20h ago